Friday, January 1, 2010

They are the people you call FAMILY.

I am currently in the basement, using my Ate's laptop just to check my Facebook, my Tumblr and write this new post. Aside from Rivermaya's You'll be Safe Here (yes, I am forever a Rivermaya (Rico Blanco era) fan.), I can hear my cousins' footsteps, my aunt's voice, the sound of my other cousin's wails and the voice of my uncle. I can also hear the voice of my Ate saying, "Careful Rogan, you might fall!".

It's chaotic upstairs now. It's so noisy up there. That's why I'm hiding here in the basement.

But these chaos, this noise, are the things I'm grateful for everytime I wake up. Those voices, those noisy steps, are the things that make me smile everyday. I am glad I'll be spending my 2010 with these people. They are the people you call family. ;)

The Duenas cousins. Christmas 2009
Yuri, Nikki, Nath, Glenn, Yiel, Emma, Rogan

“You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back.” -William D. Tammeus

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