Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 Comes After 9

I haven't updated my page since eons ago. I must admit that I really have a hard time maintaining my online blogs (except for my TUMBLR). I remember making this account in 2008, deleted it somewhere along mid-2009, and tadahhhhhh!, reviving it again today, 11:40PM of December 31,2009.

I don't make resolutions anymore, coz I don't keep them anyway. But I'm really crossing my fingers that this 2010, I will be able to keep my "wishes". (I call them wishes so that I don't disappoint myself if I call them resolutions and don't do it.)

1. More time on books, less time on computer.
* I really intend to do this because sadly, I'm suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome and yes, it hurts a lot.

2. More essays to write, thoughts to share, points to prove.
* I guess I won't be a journalist anymore. This is the closest I can be to being one. ;)

3. Be better in playing the guitar.
* I'm teaching myself to play one, and so far, so good. :)

4. Higher grades.
* The ultimate one. I don't want to disappoint my family!

5. Save money.
* Because I wanna go home this coming January 2011 to participate in UST Quadricentennial Celebration. I'm ready to give my all just not to miss this event. I love UST that much.

6. Keep these wishes.
* Second to being the ultimate. :D

I wish everyone a bountiful new year. Let's all remember that destiny isn't the one who will tell us how our life will be, but it's us. OURSELVES. Believe in yourself, keep your faith in God. Good riddance 2009. Bring it on 2010.

“New Year’s Day - Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” — Mark Twain